Uncle tried to credit into ur Barclays Bank acct. #12345 several times yesterday,
but were rejected.
They don't accept the One Pound note anymore....
(which I saved since 1984... so priceless tuh...)
I was so depressed... By hook or by crook, I must send this ang pau to U...
Please come & collect it before today's game start.
I couldn't find a blue ang pau sachet...!!
Hohoho...Uncle Deri it's SUnday, no transaction , I guess that's why you credit to my acct @ Barclay bank been rejected!..The one £ note is so priceless....what 1984?? Was it in Dec 31,1984 issued?Ouuchhh..it's the same age as me,no wonder been rejected coz I think the bank would rather you hand over it to the GM personally coz it's priceless..;)
Nevertheless,Thanks so much for this lovely angpow,I appreciate it and I wonder if there's any sachet in blue...emmm..but still I'm so delighted, regardless,that the EGO RED DEVIL has been knocked to the ground today muahahhahhaa!!!
Thanks for this posting Uncle Deri..you are awesome!Thus, kindly accept this thanks you from me to you:
Take care...yezzaa Blue!!!
*this thank you* typo..
....me@ S/B at grand stand if you are watching..ngehhh;p
Bro.. ang pow merah buat MU fans takder ker... nanti kat PD leh kasi eh.. tak saya pun untuk Aiman.. atau Ammar
eleh.. Noushy suka eh MU kalah.. takper takper.. ada ubi ada batasan.. he he...
kasawari terima kekalahan MU.. keh keh keh
salam Noushy...
Thank you for accepting the angpau.. & thank you also for the lovely award. I've already grab it. Soon it'll be displayed nicely in my special award cabinet.
Kesian Red Devil... malam bersejarah!!
Hahaha Kasawari>>>
Angpau dah habis lor... lambat mali sini maa... mana lu pigi...?
Alaa bro, mana bole menang selalu... tera2 tupai loncat pun, bedebap gak jatuh pokok... Bro tak marah ngan Fergie ke...?? Apsal yg dia memandai letak Ronaldo tuh jd striker... Nape rilekskan Rooney..
Kunun2 nak suh dia sumbat bnyk gol lagi la tuh. Silap beso tu.. makan diri.... Sy yg bukan fan ni pun boring tengok...
Apa2 pun bro... Blues tgh kejar tuh...
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