This is the first time someone gave me an Award...hehe.
I present this Award to:
UncleJ, Kasawari, Combi, Noushy, Junaidix, Mummy Sofie, Sahrulia, OD...
ehh, terlupa pulak...last but not least, Norz.
◦ Anak jati Kampung Padang Pauh Perlis ◦ Menetap di KL ◦ Berkeluarga - 1 isteri - 4 anak ◦ Suku dekad dalam bidang senibina ◦ Gemar senibina masjid dan warisan ◦ Suka filem lasak ◦ Dengar lagu sedap ◦ Minat sukan nicol david - rafael nadal - maria sharapova - chelsea ◦ Hobi - melukis - kumpul barang lama - kumpul barang coca cola ◦
A dimension where you can play with your senses. Deri shares things that may not only be seen by the eyes but also by the heart.
abg e..TQ naa.ingat gak kt cheQ :)
TERHARU sgt ni huhuhu..cheQ nak tempah lemari kaca sat noo..pastu baru cheQ mai ambek.. :p
Thanks Uncle deri..that is so sweet..
Have a gr8 day yea..BTW, where's the big mug for the hotchoc that you left for me on the table no where to be seen?;)
Iskk Ishkkk..emm wonder if Uncle j took it...
sudah lah tu combi... hentikanlah tangisan mu... mata ku sudahpun kucucuk tadi... eh ehh... silap scene rupanya...
combi, ceQ pi la beli lemari kaca tu cepat, kedai dah nak tutup ni, nak raya cina esok lusa...
jgn lupa beli frame skali naa...
You're wellcome Noushy..
noticed the colour?... yes..it's blue for the gr8 Blues fan like you...
I think I know who took the mug... I noticed somebody was holding it at the Old Trafford a couple of hours ago...
emmm.. siapa la tu agaknya yer...??
he he he...kite saje je tak bagi kat mem tu tau...nk tgok dia passing² tak hati dia tu kat mem...ha ha ha
kalo tak bagi...mau kena perambat p tidoQ luaQ
terharu aku bro terima award tu...thanks a lot
tak muat gerobok dah ni..penuh dah dgn e-award ni...kalau betul2 dgn dapat duit sekali, dah kayo pakcik...hahaha
thanks again deri for the good gestures...
hehehe... nampaknya deri dah berjaya melepasi test jie dengan cemerlangnya..!!
Tak pa jie... kalo kena tidoQ kat luaQ deri dah ready toto ngan kelambu sekali... cuba2 camping sebelum pi PD... syok gak baring kat atas pangkin sambil mendengar bunyi air terjun dari kolam ikan yang seluas kangkang anak kera lahir tak cukup bulan tuh...
silap-silap norz pun nak join skali...ekehkeh...
you really deserve it bro... kalo bole aku nak kasi lebih besar lagi.. lebih glamer, ada title lagi kat depan.(eg. TBB UncleJ... Tuan Besar Blogersfera...)
Ya lor bro... kalo ada ngan pitih sekali, bro udah jadi OKB by now ( Org Kayo Blog...)Tak der ke sapa2 nak sponser??...
You're welcome bro... it's really from the bottom of my heart...
Sob sob sob sobbbb... sob sob sob sob... kruih kruih (hembus ingus)... sob sob sob... tima kacih.
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